The ultimate in
speed, ease and thoroughness

Cyacomb Examiner Plus is our ground-breaking forensic tool. Using cutting edge block level hashing technology, it replaces slow MD5 scans, detecting indecent images of children or terrorist material in seconds. 

Investigators who want detailed results in 3 steps, in a matter of seconds, sign up for a free 21-Day Trial or request a short demo with our Sales team  

Cyacomb Examiner Plus offers our core technology for on-scene triage - Contraband Scan. Using a combination of block level hashing, statistical sampling and our proprietary Contraband Filters, that allows illegal content to be found on suspect computers up to 100 times faster than traditional file hash technology.  

"We had a great Cyacomb Examiner hit this morning with the three filters finding 32 video files. The tool worked flawlessly within 57 seconds on a 250gb SSD drive."

David K. Frattare (Ohio ICAC Task Force Commander)

Our flagship product also offers Mobile Device Triage – a vital evolution of our game-changing tools in a world where an astounding 95% of people access the internet through their mobile phones. From now on, you can scan Android and iOS mobile devices for known CSAM and get evidence in seconds. 

One more essential feature in Cyacomb Examiner Plus, Filename Scan, allows suspect devices to be quickly scanned for unknown files containing keywords relevant to your investigation. 

Cyacomb Examiner Plus is a mobile and computer forensic tool with the following features:

  • Accelerates on-scene triage by finding evidence in seconds, even from large or slow devices 
  • Simple-to-use intuitive interface – scan in 3 steps 
  • Traffic light results to support your decision to seize 
  • Identifies previously known files, and shows their category/classification 
  • Rapidly detects remnants of deleted and partially downloaded files, without the need to carve for files 
  • Rapidly detects and flags encryption for further investigation 
  • Simultaneous Contraband Filter scans on multiple devices (mobile devices and hard drives) 
  • Detailed HTML report (can be saved in PDF) 
  • Previews and report creation, with optional evidential thumbnails  
  • Run from a forensic computer, bootable media, or live on suspect devices 
  • Full control of scan options 

To find out more please reach out to our Sales team at or by filling out the contact form below.  

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  • Cyacomb Search Tools UK
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